It is said that the birthplace of rivers is in Pocahontas County, West Virginia because eight rivers flow out of the county and none flow in. One of those is the Greenbrier River. If you find yourself along this river you will come across signs that say “we all live downstream.” For this river, that is quite literal. The Greenbrier River is a tributary of the New River, which is a tributary of the Kanawha River, which is a tributary of the Ohio River, which is a tributary of the Mississippi River, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico.

I am a thirty-something Transportation Engineer at government consulting firm. Transportation has been a lifelong passion of mine, from dreaming of being a commercial airline pilot as a little girl to making a career of more effective management and operation of various transportation systems. I am also a Visiting Professor in the College of Business and Economics at West Virginia University where I teach statistics, data analytics, and transportation-relared courses. Information from the courses is featured on this site.

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science from Chatham University, a master’s degree in Technology Management (focus: Intelligent Transportation Systems) from Marshall University, and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University. In addition to my academic work I am a certified Emergency Medical Technician in Pennsylvania.

I live with my husband Chris, a born Mountaineer, where we are tightly managed by our three cats, Debby, Sylvester and Marvin. I enjoy hiking, geocaching, reading, taking long drives, and working with my hands when I'm not working.

The purpose of this site is to present material from multiple facets of my life. Sort of a living resume, blog, and archive of accomplishments, memories, and ambitions. Thanks for stopping by!